FinlandQ Newsletter – Issue 4 : Sisu in Communications and Equality

FinlandQ Newsletter – Issue 4 : Sisu in Communications and Equality

FinlandQ Newsletter – Issue 4 : Sisu in Communications and Equality

In this article, you’ll read the 3rd issue of our newsletter in which we will review highlight news of Finland and talk more about living in this beautiful country. In this issue: Sisu in Communications and Equality.


Hello and welcome to this edition of the Finnish newsletter.

As always, our primary goal is to increase the knowledge of our audience, and this newsletter is prepared and published with that aim in mind. At FinlandQ, we assist applicants and enthusiasts of migration and studying in Finland to achieve their goals and dreams to the best of their ability. This newsletter also serves as an opportunity to further introduce Finland, its culture, and the living and studying conditions to you. We appreciate you taking the time to read this newsletter and are delighted to have followers like you.

In the recent special edition of FinlandQ, we discussed “Sisu” and its position in the culture and daily life of the Finnish people. In this and future editions of the newsletter, we will continue the topic of Sisu. So, if you have read the special editions and have been awaiting further discussions on Sisu, do not miss out on this newsletter and the upcoming ones.

If you have any feedback, criticism, suggestions, or anything else you feel should be shared with us, do not hesitate to reach out and stay in touch with us.

Finland Highlights

2% Annual Reduction in Electricity and Energy Consumption in Finland

According to the annual energy consumption report in Finland, energy consumption, especially electricity, in this country has decreased by 2% annually since 2022. This reduction in consumption has been most pronounced in the industrial sector, while electricity production in Finland increased by 13% last year. Additionally, energy production from wind turbines increased by 25%, and energy produced by nuclear technology also increased by 35%.

This decrease in consumption and the simultaneous increase in energy production have led to a significant reduction in Finland’s need for energy imports.


Finnish Passport Ranked Second Most Reliable Passport in the World

In the new year, the Finnish passport has been ranked as the second most reliable passport in the world, alongside Sweden and South Korea. Last year, the country was ranked third, and holders of its passport could travel to 189 countries without needing a visa; a number that has now turned into 194 countries with the new passport ranking.


3,000 Immigrants from Russia Waiting to Enter Finland

Since the start of the Russia-Ukraine war, Finland has closed its borders with Russia, creating challenges for travel and immigration to and from the country. Currently, between 2,000 to 3,000 immigrants and asylum seekers in Russia are awaiting the opening of borders to enter Finland.

It has been said that the closure of the border between Finland and Russia will continue until mid-February; however, it is not clear what restrictions on passage and transit will be imposed thereafter.

What is Sisu? Sisu in Communications and Equality

In previous editions of the FinlandQ newsletter, we discussed the concept and role of “Sisu” in Finnish language and culture and mentioned that while Sisu may be an ordinary word from a foreign language for us, for Finns, it signifies identity, authenticity, and a way of life. We talked about what Sisu is and why everyone, including us, should incorporate it into our lives. We also discussed Sisu in nature and relationships and planned to talk about Sisu in equality and communications in the next edition. If you’re new to our community, welcome, and we hope you enjoy the continuation of this content. We recommend taking a look at the first and second editions of Sisu, which were published in a special newsletter. If you’ve been with us before, thank you for your ongoing support and energy you bring to us. Let’s delve deeper into the culture of Sisu. Before we start, let’s remind ourselves that Sisu means a combination of hard work, resilience, determination, willpower, flexibility, and honesty; a concept that brings survival and good life.

You may have heard or read before that the status and rank of women in Finland are no different from men. In fact, both genders live in complete equality in Finland. Just as a man can easily work in the Finnish government or become the president of the country, a woman can exactly follow the same path with the same ease.

Since 1930, Finland has provided free maternity packages to pregnant mothers to help families in raising and organizing their children. Even earlier, in 1906, Finland was the first country in the world to grant women the right to vote. It’s interesting to note that nowadays, when a woman takes maternity leave, her spouse is also granted leave so that they can both focus their energy and attention on their family and have no other concerns than this issue.

In Finland, there are no “men’s” or “women’s” jobs. In fact, in marital life as well, both husband and wife are required to participate equally in household chores. According to Finns, observing equality ensures the awakening of Sisu in life and relationships, and children also understand the importance of equality by seeing this matter.

You might ask how everything can be so equal. There are ways to achieve this:

  • List the household chores you have the least interest in and ask your spouse to do them. Take turns completing these tasks.
  • Discuss mutual expectations and appreciate each other’s efforts.

See? It’s not that complicated; it just requires collective will and commitment.

Special Place for Respect

Something that is often overlooked by most people in any society, especially these days, is the issue of respect. It’s interesting to know that respect is one of the principles and pillars of having Sisu in relationships. Finns believe that the foundation of all good and happy relationships is respect, and that’s it.

Whether it’s a friendship, marriage, cooperation, or any other human relationship, if it’s not based on respect, it’s better off not existing. Sisu ensures the healthy and respectful nature of relationships. In fact, Sisu is necessary for respectful relationships. What are the prerequisites for respect?

  • Always maintain and respect everywhere
  • Avoid exaggeration and mockery
  • Mutual expectation and appreciation
  • Giving freedom to the other person
  • Full use of individual abilities and talents
  • Flexibility


As you can see, respect is the first condition for having a relationship accompanied by Sisu. Perhaps Sisu means standing by your word, but this concept is different from thoughtlessness and lack of understanding of the other party. Now that respect is so important, the question arises, what does self-respect mean, and what concepts and prerequisites does it include? Respect can be understood through the following:

  • Means being a good listener
  • Means honesty
  • Means self-awareness
  • Means letting go of aggression
  • Means letting go of playing games!


Certainly, we are familiar with all these concepts and prerequisites, but not consciously. Self-awareness is a topic that is not often talked about, but it is very important in our relationships and conversations. Self-awareness means that if you understand and are familiar with a subject or issue, that’s enough. Not everyone necessarily understands a particular topic or perspective. Being self-aware means knowing that you don’t have to beat around the bush to convince the other party.


What can we do to be respectful?

Avoid the following to prevent the loss of Sisu in your relationships:

  1. Impoliteness or disregard
  2. Ridicule
  3. Withholding information
  4. Punishment and humiliation regardless of action
  5. Blame

Finns believe that it is never too late to learn to avoid these above-mentioned behaviors. In other words, no one is too old to learn these things.

Sisu in Child Rearing and Growth

So far, we have discussed Sisu and its importance and role in relationships and equality. There are aspects inherently present in the upbringing and growth of children that play a significant role. With Sisu, children can be nurtured to be happy and resilient.

Today, the approach to raising children often focuses on protecting them from the disappointments of the world, which can potentially make children weak and passive. Previously, the prevalent approach to upbringing involved coercion and force in getting tasks done and learning, disregarding the child’s spirit and sensitivity. According to the Finnish belief, the right approach, imbued with Sisu, lies somewhere between these extremes. Children should learn responsibility, but how does this happen?

  • By providing genuine praise and recognition
  • Looking at problems as opportunities for learning
  • Finding joy in effort
  • Promoting healthy work ethics


Assigning tasks to children helps them feel independent. If a child does a task well, offer genuine praise and recognition. If the work is poor, acknowledge it as such and discuss what can be done to improve. Most children instinctively identify their own obstacles and strive to overcome them. Teaching self-awareness in this process helps them greatly in executing the above-mentioned aspects.

We hope you have enjoyed reading this newsletter. In the next edition, we will delve deeper into raising children with Sisu and discuss why the Finnish education system is superior.


As always, we conclude this FinlandQ newsletter with a Finnish proverb related to Sisu:

“Strong individuals, like trees, may bend but not break if they have embraced the path of Sisu.”


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