Everything you need to know about the mechanic vocational courses in Finland

Everything you need to know about the mechanic vocational courses in Finland

Everything you need to know about the mechanic vocational courses in Finland

Finland is one of the countries where you can pursue your dream future by taking advantage of its high-level schools and benefiting from the country’s education system. One of the most popular courses in Finland is the vocational course in mechanic , machining, and welding, which we aim to discuss in more detail in this FinlandQ article: Everything you need to know about the mechanic vocational courses in Finland.

What does a vocational course mean?

Before discussing the vocational course in mechanics, machining, and welding, it is better to have a brief definition of what it is. It stands for Vocational Education and Training (VET) schools that offer 160 different study programs for enthusiasts, and international applicants can also prepare for the job market by participating in these courses.

Participating in a vocational course usually takes 2-4 years, but during these three years, all the necessary knowledge and skills required for working in the applicant’s preferred profession will be provided so that they can become a useful member of society. After completing a vocational course, applicants can either directly enter the job market or continue studying at a university.

Vocational courses in Finland are not limited to theoretical classes; alongside theoretical classes, students spend hours of practical work to gain a proper understanding of their chosen field. To start studying in vocational courses, applicants must consider the following conditions:

– Being over 18 years old

– Providing a motivation letter that shows the person’s interest in taking the course

– Interview with the school (the interview is conducted in Finnish)

Vocational courses in Finland have various specialties and high flexibility. If during your studies, you feel interested in another field, after consulting, you can change your specialty and gain experience in your new field.

Introduction to the Mechanic vocational course , Machining, and Welding in Finland

No matter which country you plan to live in, fields such as mechanics, machining, and welding will always have a good job market. By participating in the mechanic vocational course in Finland, you will learn how to assemble and install mechanical equipment and machine parts. In addition to assembling parts, it will be your responsibility to check the manufactured parts and make any necessary adjustments if needed. Individuals who participate in the mechanics’ course usually have knowledge of the structure and function of various machinery and have full control over the assembly of parts.

Welding also has conditions similar to the mechanics’ field. By studying in this field, you can work in various environments and earn a decent income. The welding course in Finland lasts approximately 3 years, and after that, you are ready to enter the job market.

If you are interested in professions related to machinery, machining is what you are looking for. By attending this course, you will learn how to build different parts and components of the machine and check their quality. It is also the duty of the machinists to check the proper functioning of the machines to ensure their correct performance.

mechanic vocational courses in Finland


During the mechanic vocational course , Finland provides various facilities along with its unparalleled education system to ensure that students do not have any concerns about continuing their studies. The cost of studying in Finland’s vocational courses is free, and there is no need to pay any fees for it. In addition, your accommodation will also be free, and you can quickly start working after completing the course.

●    Free Education

●    Free lunch

●    Fast employment process

●    Graduation between 2 to 4 years

●    Free accommodation


The course in mechanics, machining, and welding is generally offered in several different cities in Finland. Here we introduce one of the most attractive cities to study this course:

●    – Lappia School in Tornio

Tornio is one of the most attractive cities in Finland, where many successful businesses have been established. The Lappia Vocational College in Tornio allows students to develop their skills to a high level and be ready to work in professional environments. However, studying at this school is not limited to students; employed individuals can also start working in an international environment by taking courses here.

In these schools, 3500 students are educated and guided by 360 teachers. Areas of education include service, technology, culture, welfare, and the environment. Passing courses in any of these fields will take approximately 2 to 4 years.

The different fields available for selection in this school include child and youth care, mental health care, care and rehabilitation of the elderly, nursing and care, and care of disabled persons. Depending on your interests, you can choose the best option for yourself. Of course, if you feel the need to change your field after choosing one, you can change it after consulting with the teachers. Keep in mind that the prerequisite for admission to Lappia is being at least 18 years old.

●    Riveria School in Joensuu, Kitee, Lieksa, Outokumpu

If you are interested in studying in the fields of mechanics, machining, and welding, the Riveria Vocational College offers quality courses in several cities, including Joensuu, Kitee, Lieksa, and Outokumpu. If you meet the requirements, you can start your studies in these cities.

In addition, the Vuoksi School in the town of Kauhajoki also offers the opportunity to study in these fields. You only need to apply to the school and choose the course you want to take.

●    Vuoksi school in Kauhajoki city

It is also possible to study in this field in Kauhajoki City. Just apply to Vuoksi school and choose your favorite course.

To apply for the course in mechanic , machining, and welding, as well as all other vocational courses in Finland, you will need to provide the following documents:

➔    – Finnish language certificate at B1 level

➔    – Latest educational certificate

➔    – Introduction/motivation video in Finnish

If accepted into the Finnish courses, you must bring the original documents with you for verification.

mechanic vocational courses in Finland

How to send an application for this course?

If you are interested in participating in the mechanic vocational course , machining, and welding, you can contact our experts at FinlandQ via email or phone to receive the necessary guidance about this course. To apply for this course, you need to follow these steps:

➔    – Before anything else, a video interview will be conducted with you by our colleagues, and the time of this session will be notified to you. This 3-5 minute video must be recorded by the applicant, in which he/she answers the questions sent to him/her. The relevant procedure for this video will be shared with you.

➔    – If accepted in the video interview, you will enter the Finnish language course and start learning this language to reach an acceptable level.

➔    – Once you have reached level 1 in the Finnish language, you can then send your application to the chosen schools.

➔    – After getting accepted by a school, we will help you through all the stages of obtaining a student residence permit so that you can go to Finland without wasting time.

If you have any questions, our team will be available to provide you with the necessary information.

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